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CIN Treatment

CIN treatment is possible. Do not be afraid. CIN and cervical cancer develop as a result of damage done by the genital wart virus called HPV. Thanks to the detection of high-risk, cancer-causing viruses such as HPV 16 and 18 types with the HPV test, we now treat women in the stages before they develop cervical cancer.


Who Should Have Colposcopy?

A woman with a positive HPV test result for high-risk viruses should definitely undergo colposcopy.


When we detect changes in the cervix during colposcopyWe take a biopsy from the cervix.We perform close follow-up or LEEP, LLETZ applications according to the age and the degree of CIN of the women whose CIN was reported as a result of the biopsy.


How is LEEP, LLETZ Application Processed?

Before the planned LEEP, LLETZ procedure, the woman should not have had intercourse for 3 days and should not have an active vaginal infection.


LEEP, LLETZ applications are not completely cutting the cervix.


Just like taking a spoon from a bowl of pudding, only the diseased area is removed.


Before starting the LEEP and LLETZ procedure, we numb the cervix with local anesthetics . We detect the diseased area by wiping the cervix with acetic acid and lugol solutions.


After LEEP and LLETZ applications using Ellman Radiofrequencyrapid recovery.


Pathological evaluation of the removed part is very important. Thanks to the Ellman Radiofrequency we use, there is no deterioration in the area where the tissue is cut and the pathologist clearly tells whether the border of the disease  is clear. We also take endocervical smears during the application. We prefer to apply the new method, LLETZ, in our clinic.


How to Follow Women Who Have Been Treated for CIN?

According to the pathology report obtained after LEEP or LLETZ, if the surgical margins are clean, a follow-up of at least 2 years is required with a smear and HPV test every six months or annually, depending on the age of the woman and the CIN level in the report. If the borders are not clear, repeating the process or closer follow-up can be done according to the CIN degree at the border.


In Ebru Ünal Women's Health Unit, LGSIL, CIN, VIN, ASCUS diagnosis, treatment and follow-up are performed.Experienced and expert in colposcopy, LEEP and LLETZ applications, Op. Dr. Ebru Ünal performs these applications with local anesthesia in her clinic.


How Long Does the LEEP, LLETZ Application for CIN Treatment Take?

Our application for CIN treatment takes about 30 minutes.


You will walk out of our clinic right after the procedure.


What to do and what to do after LEEP and LLETZ Procedure?

CIN lesion, the stage where cervical cancer is limited to the mucosa, provides definitive treatment with LEEP or LLETZ . LLETZ done  day mild groin pain, vaginal spotting may occur. Spotting may take up to 1 week.  The wound usually heals in 1 week after the procedure. If the width of the removed area is large  recovery time may take 2-3 weeks.


It is normal to have watery discharge during the healing period.


It may be necessary to use vaginal or oral antibiotics after the procedure.


You should not enter the pool for 2 weeks after LLEETZ and LEEP.


Sexual intercourse can be started 3 weeks after the procedure.

  • Sharp pain like burning or stabbing

  • Irritation of the vulva and itching in some women

  • Feeling pain as if rubbing a hard, rough object

  • Swelling and, in some women, feeling like you are sitting on a hard ball

  • In vestibulitis, vulvar pain may be localized or widespread. Some women have pain all the time. Others have pain only when that area is touched. For example, some women feel pain when they wash this area or have intercourse with their partner.


How is Vestibulitis Diagnosed?

For the diagnosis of vestibulitis, it is sufficient to test the aching area with a cotton swab. In chronic cases, a skin biopsy may sometimes be necessary to rule out skin disease.


We are getting very good results with new applications in the treatment of vestibulitis-vulvodynia.

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